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Hey guys, here’s the latest page of Chapter 1. The officers at the command post react to the outcome of the battle at the forward operating base. Though things are looking pretty grim for them as well now that the Asurians have arrived at their location (especially since most of the fighting ranks perished at the FOB).

This page marks the end of the first half of Chapter 1. I’m going to be taking a break for the next few months in order to build up my buffer for the second half as well as experiment with mirroring the comic on some other platforms. I’m aiming to come back sometime in October, so make sure to stay tuned for more updates. Another good way to keep up with the comic is on our Discord or Patreon page (I occasionally post free updates there), so make sure to check those out as well. 🙂

Thanks as always for reading and we’ll see you all again in the Fall!

Holly and Drew.
