Azatoth Expanded


Belief Structure

The Azatoth follow a set of a beliefs that are influenced by their history and their home world. Their beliefs circle around six deities, each representing a different aspect of the universe. Their primary god is Asura (also the namesake for their home world), god of the energy that governs all life in the universe. Asura is without form, it is simply the energy of all living things. The five other gods represent war, peace, honor, knowledge, compassion, each one represented by a specific symbol.

Six Dieties:

1- Asura /Energy
2- Azaru /War
3- Do’jal /Honor
4- Kahru /Compassion
5- Neuvos /Peace
6- Nakir /Knowledge

Death and the Afterlife

The Azatoth believe that when a member of their species dies, their energy passes through a dimensional rift called the void before it can reach a higher state of being. Death for them literally means “passing on” as they believe that it is just another stage of being, to bind with Asura as part of the energy of the universe. If one lived a wicked life, they would not be granted this end and would instead cease to exist within the void.


Early Life to Modern Times

The Azatoth started out as small, isolated groups (of about 10 – 20 people) that eventually formed tribes (100-200 people). They had small skirmishes in the early years, but due to the hostile nature of the wilderness on Asura, had to band together to stay alive. The tribes that were formed eventually became clans, these clans began to trade and their society began to form. Together, the Azatoth were able to tame their wild home world, and as their technology increased, civilization was formed (the first major landmark being the Asurian Capital, Sokai.

Many years of peace and prosperity followed, until the exploration age, which led them to the harsh continent to the north, a place which they thought was completely barren. Once they arrived at the frozen wasteland they came across several more tribes of slightly more acclimatized Azatoth (identified by facial hair on the males, and a more robust stature). The exploration of the north took several decades, with much of that time being spent integrating the northern tribes with the rest of Asurian society. The north brought with them new philosophies, technology and combat skills, which initially caused a fair amount of contention between the two continents, but over time became the foundation for Azatoth culture and society.

Daily Life and Soceity


The average life of an Azatoth is around 300 standard* years old. As early as three, they are expected to have basic communication skills, and are quite a bit more advanced than a human child. At five, they begin to learn about Asurian philosophy, while being nurtured in the arts and encouraged to socialize. Seven is when they begin to learn basic combat skills, as males are mandated to serve in the military for five years (females have an option due to the burden of childbirth). Once they reach the age of ten, they are forced to choose a specific point of study as well as keeping up with their combat training. The different fields of education are, history, xenology, science, philosophy, math and military. This is the age where the Azatoth child begins to figure out who they are and their place in society. *Standard time is based off of Earth years.

Between the ages of 14 – 17, Azatoth are expected to undergo a rite of passage. The field of study they chose will influence what type of mission they have to undergo. The constant being that it is always extremely physically and/or mentally exhausting. Once they complete their rite, they receive a permanent marking about their right eye. The rite is required for all Azatoth, regardless of gender, if you do not complete the rite you are generally considered a failure to society and must spend the rest of your days as a servant to some of the more wealthy clans.


Azatoth society is based around tradition that has been passed on since the dawn of their civilization. They separate themselves into clans (which consist of entire families and sometimes more distant relatives) that follow the different paths of their ancestors. Clans can range from warriors, hunters, politicians to service workers, cooks, and architects. Azatoth believe that equality is proven on an individual basis. From birth they are pushed to follow the path of their clan, but are able to deviate from that path if they so choose once they reach a certain age (though depending on the individual, this can cause some issues within the supporting clan who may be more traditional).