New page! This one felt like it took forever due to the amount of characters in the panels. Been a while since I’ve had Grey, Agrippa and Eve on the same page (the prologue, I think?).

Thanks for checking back, see you all next week!

**UPDATE: DECEMBER 9 /2014**

Hi guys! I’ve been falling a bit behind due to fatigue. Nothing bad, but it’s kept me from being as productive as I usually am, so this week’s page will be delayed to next Wednesday, after which I will take a short holiday break (Dec 17 – Jan 7). This will give me a chance to build up my buffer and finish up some extra content I’ve been working on.

During the break I will continue to put content on Patreon. I plan to put the PDF of chapter one up this month along with some other goodies that I have in the works. Thanks again for being so supportive, you all seriously rock! I will keep you posted as always.
