As you might have noticed, this page is slightly bigger than the rest. I’ve changed the width of the web files from 550px to 600px, it’s a minor change but I think it makes the text look substantially clearer. Now I just have to go back and update 294 pages. I brought this on myself… >_>
but I think it’s worth it at least. 😛
I also wanted to take some time to give a quick mention to Drew’s brother, Shane (aka Oringes) who gave us an awesome shout out on his youtube channel. He talks about the comic and showcases some of the merch that we sold at last years Central Canada Comic con! Be sure to check out the rest of his videos for hilarious let’s plays and more!
Lastly, in case you didn’t already know Drew has a twitter account! He finally got an iphone from work so he’s no longer tweeting with a blackberry pearl. lol