Hey guys, sorry updates have been a bit wonky, I should be back to my normal schedule soon. My MS symptoms have been acting up, so predictably I’m a bit slower than normal. I feel really repetitive saying this all the time but that is unfortunately the nature of this illness. 😛
On a related note, I wanted to give a heads up that I may have to take a couple weeks off in the near future to prep for an upcoming convention (C4 here in Winnipeg). I was unsure whether or not I’d be able to attend this year because of the way my health has been acting. Cons are pretty draining and I’ve been having a rough time these past few months so I’m still not feeling all that confident about my ability to man a booth for 10+ hours straight (Drew will be there to help but it’s still going to take it’s toll). I will let you guys know when and if the break happens later this month.
Thanks as always for your patience and understanding.