Hey guys and welcome back!
Hope you all had a great summer. Ours was fairly uneventful, it kind of went by in a blur for me as I had a relapse that lasted for most of it (I’m still not fully sure it’s over, but the cooler weather is definitely helping). As a result I didn’t get quite as much done as I would have liked, I have some buffer which is nice, but I haven’t really been able to update the website or anything like that. All this has got me thinking that in the future I should always take a bit of a longer break in the summer. I’m really slow when my symptoms are flaring so I think it’s probably best to take a break from updating so I don’t end up with sloppy and/or rushed work.
One thing I have kept working on are the grayscale portraits, the Top Web Comics vote incentive is new ones of Rei and David Hayes (the bounty hunter from earlier in the volume, expect to see him again very soon).
I don’t really have much else to say, typing this is a little bit hard while fatigued and brain fogged so I’ll just leave it at that. Thanks as always for checking back and supporting our webcomic!