It’s convention time! This weekend Drew and I are finally attending Central Canada Comic Con! If you’re in town and at the show, come say hi, we’re at booth #518 on the second floor!
Here’s some pictures I took a couple weeks ago of some of items we’ll be displaying at the con. This is our dining room table, which isn’t nearly as long as the convention booth, so I had to stack the poster in the back (it’s basically just a blown up version of the header image). I will take another picture when the booth is setup at the convention, as there are a few things missing from this image. I should also note that the posters you see are not the final versions (the final prints are full bleed, no white borders and on a heavier stock of paper).
We’ll be selling 11×17 posters, print copies of the prologue as well as giving away freebies like bookmarks and postcards!
Unfortunately, due to how busy it’s been over the last few months, I haven’t had time to put together a Halloween image this year, which I normally love doing. Instead, I included links below to some of the Halloween themed art I’ve done in the past (there are a lot of references hidden in them).
I want to finish by saying thank you to everyone who pledged on Patreon! We’re really close to our first milestone, which is a bonus page for everyone! We hope you all have an awesome Halloween and if you’re in Winnipeg, we hope you come say hi!