Finally finished! This page was really, really difficult for me, I ended up re-drawing every single panel at least once or twice, drawing (or working at the computer in general) has been very hard lately as I’ve been super sick these past couple weeks. I’m mostly just dealing with a lot of pain, which makes it almost impossible to concentrate some days. I don’t foresee this being anything all that serious, so my plan is to wait it out. Hopefully this won’t result in me missing any more updates but I will have to play it by ear. I’m fairly optimistic as I had a much easier time drawing today and yesterday than the previous week.
Anyway, that’s about it for me today. Thanks so much for checking back and for your continued patience. I often get frustrated that I can’t work as much as I used to but you guys keep coming back even when the updates are a little slower than normal, and I really appreciate that. 😀
**Quick Update** I added a new vote incentive to Top Web Comics. It’s the edited cover for the prologue. I’m going to try to begin posting the edited pages as soon as I can (as stated before they will be at the new 725px resolution, I have about 30ish somewhat completed, but I’d like to give them each a final clean up before lettering them and posting them online). Vote to check it out!
–Holly and Drew.